FIDEs world championship format


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Thibault de Vassal    (2006-12-10)
FIDE's world championship format

Quite good news...

Ok, we'll have a final match between a challenger and the world champion, this is great !
(the worst is avoided)

In future, the challenger should be designated after a multi-stages round-robin tournaments cycle, then a candidates match (original :))

Will it be enough to attract sponsors... In my opinion the candidates match should be played in 6 games at least, and the knockout tournament should be at least 2 or 3 rounds long. Several round-robin tournaments, this looks like correspondence chess format and this is useful when you have many players and few time. I'm not sure it's a good choice for OTB world chess championship... :/

What do you think ?

Dinesh De Silva    (2006-12-10 17:37:05)

I fully agree with the view that the candidates match should be played in 6 games at least, and the knockout tournament should be at least 2 or 3 rounds long.