is it best to play Go online?

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*gifute    (2012-01-10) is it best to play Go online?

Hi, right now I'm playing my Go games at, do you know any other cool website to play this great chinese game (also named Weiqi or Baduk)?  Thanks in advance.

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*turedo    (2012-01-13 01:05:44) is it best to play Go online?

There are many Go servers in the world, you may try Dragon Go Server (DGS)

*perera    (2012-01-20 23:50:06)
13 years ago

I play Go at KGS & FICGS, I like these servers very much!

*conopu    (2012-01-26 20:11:19)
13 years ago

Hi. Just try "Weiqi servers", "Go server" or "Baduk server" on Google, you should find most english speaking servers. If you're looking for korean, chinese or japanese ones you'll have to use the translations for Go, see Wikipedia.

Traditional Chinese 圍棋
Simplified Chinese 围棋
Tibetan མིག་མངས
Korean Hangul 바둑
Japanese Kanji 碁, 囲碁 ("surround game")

See also

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 Playing Go Online | British Go Association
britgo > gopcres/play.html&sa=U&ei=rhp5UoXWL8qh0QXWkIHQDg&am
  1. There are two common ways in which you can use a computer to play Go
vimeo > 7043327&sa=U&ei=rhp5UoXWL8qh0QXWkIHQDg&ved=0CDMQ


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