F/S:Nokia N95 8GB, PlayStation 3, Nokia

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qlink12    (2008-04-27)
F/S:Nokia N95 8GB, PlayStation 3, Nokia

We are on a Bonanza,If you order for 3 mobile phone,you will get 1 mobile phone for free & if you order for 5units of mobile phone youwill have 2 free mobile phone and free shipping.



Apple Iphone 16GB for $350usd
Apple Iphone 8GB for $300usd
Apple Iphone 4GB for $200usd
Nokia N96 for $350usd
Nokia N95 8GB for $300usd
Nokia N95 for $260usd
Nokia N77 for $300usd
Nokia E90 for $300usd

(more options below)

*0c032e    (2009-09-30 15:52:51)

Please never buy phones this way because of scammers, a lot of money has been stolen already, search the internet, it is full of stories like this.


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