Executive Rehab Guide

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*rehabguid    (2012-12-10)
Executive Rehab Guide


The Executive Rehab Guide is an online information resource for managers and HR professionals who want to deal with addiction issues affecting their business.  Having an employee with a drug or alcohol problem can seriously affect your business and the most common solution for this is to fire the addicted individual. However, that doesn't solve the addict's problem and it may be very hard to find another professional to replace the lost one.

We believe that through residential rehab, an employee with an addiction issue can be transformed from a liability to an asset.

Executive Rehab Guide is sponsored by Castle Craig Hospital, a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Scotland. Castle Craig has over 20 years of experience in treating patients with addictions and other related issues, 27 therapist, 122 beds and 20 hectares of parkland. The clinic also offers family therapy for friends and relatives of patients in recovery.

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