Differences between split() explode()

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*thanks    (2009-04-23)
Differences between split() explode()

Hello all,

I just wonder what are the differences between the PHP functions split() and explode() ??

Also do these functions exist in an insensitive version ?

Thanks in advance...

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*rodubi    (2010-07-01 14:13:29)
Differences between split() explode()

I don't know any difference but I noticed some bugs with the split function.

pwhjenny    (2012-10-03 14:33:57)
12 years ago

the difference is:

in split we can use regular expression in the search field

wheras in  explode we cant.

*ytrjxvesh    (2013-08-08 15:59:45)

It indeed does take quite some time to find great information like this. Thank you very much.

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