Comment savoir si un chat est malade

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*maxc    (2010-01-21)
Comment savoir si un chat est malade

Bonjour, comment on sait si un chat est malade ou non ?  Je voudrais savoir quels sont les signes qui montrent que sa santé est bonne ou si il est malade de quelque chose, même sans savoir de quoi.

Mon chat a souvent la truffe plutôt chaude et pas très humide et je sais que ce signe est assez mauvais en général, mais je ne sais pas si le fait de passer tout son temps sur le radiateur est toujours la cause.

Il mange relativement peu et il est aussi un assez fainéant et refuse souvent de jouer mais il a 6 ans donc ça peut être normal à cet âge. Bref, je voudrais votre avis et des idées pour déterminer si il faut voir un vétérinaire ou non.


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*jilizo    (2010-10-02 13:35:05)
Il y a 14 ans

Si ton chat et malade il faut l'enmenez
chez le véto  car si il à la truffe chaude ses souvent qu'il à de la fièvre alors va chez le véto !!

*teteri    (2010-10-11 20:49:44)
Il y a 14 ans

moi je te conseil de le ramener chez le veterinaire .donne lui aussi (de temp en temp) du lait sa lui apporte des protéines

*desiba    (2013-03-20 18:19:51)
Comment savoir si un chat est malade

bonjour mon chat a 18mois et depuis quelque temps son ventre grossi et elle mange beaucoup mais elle n'a pas les mammelles gonflées elle a les mammelles blancsmerci de me repondre au plus vite

*fojoro    (2013-11-21 20:50:29)
Il y a 11 ans

moi j'avai un chat qui s'appelai
sara elle jouer beaucou avec moi
mai apprait elle a commensai par ne plus
s'amuser il avai la truffe chaude lui auci et a la fin il ne courai mem pas et maitenan elle et dcd

*jumaxe    (2019-06-26 21:47:02)
Il y a 5 ans

Solid Techniques For Making Profits From Home

Many people think starting a work from home business is challenging. They believe that it is impossible so it will be a whole-time job, and so are worried that this income is incredibly hit and miss. This post gives some good tips on becoming successful together with your home business.

There should be a backup plan, especially if your home business is your primary source of income. Have backup plans for when your web site decreases, not receiving much-needed supplies or equipment and whatever else imaginable. If you plan for such eventualities, you won't be stuck without an income when you try and recover.

If you must drive for your own home business enterprise, keep track of your mileage because it is a deductible expense. These travel expenses, even when they are simply for a day trip, are thought to be 100% deductible. You need to be honest about it. You could be asked with the IRS to prove that the deductions are essential for the business.

Don't let family constantly interrupt when working through the house. Way too many interruptions can hinder your capability to be effective, so always let loved ones know when you will be working along with when you will be finished. It is crucial that they recognize that privacy is required and will help you to go out with them just once you complete work. Never leave children unsupervised and give facts about what you can do in an emergency.

You must describe your business in the couple sentences, also known as a business objective. Ideally, your statement should tell a lttle bit relating to your business goals, the reasons you started the company as well as other mission related information. Be sure you explain why is your organization unique as well as its goals during these sentences.

Make a list of merchandise which are intriguing once you can't think of an understanding as to what to market coming from a home based business. Pick products that can be beneficial to people. When there is a desire for the product, the very first thing you should do when attempting to decide on a product that will be successful would be to determine. Just ponder over it. Other folks probably need it too if there's something you will need!

When you borrow money, investors may experience entitled to ask more questions than you are likely to answer. Make sure you are geared into what will probably generate probably the most earnings at any moment.

If you're operating a daycare from your home, especially if you have lots of kids, make sure you have adequate help. Without enough help, it will likely be hard to properly look after the kids.

Set a schedule to be effective. You might find yourself working long hours and disrupting your entire life should you don't pick a set work routine. Should you have had a job at an outside company, you need to have scheduled spare time precisely like you would. You'll keep your social interaction intact by doing this.

Whenever you get a payment, put it from the bank. Rather than making a weekly or monthly bank deposit, make deposits daily or weekly. It might go missing if you don't deposit a check right away. Work with a teller to deposit your cash through, instead of an ATM, to make sure the cash is put into your money.

Lots of people desire to start their home-based businesses, as once was mentioned. In case you are uneasy about how to go about an enterprise, success may be a dream.

geffen oody

*narepi    (2019-07-17 07:00:38)
Il y a 5 ans

I definitely liked everything that was written.
I'd bent to regard reading more and more.
I liking be happy to learn as much as I can
I surely admire you since the result so gush done thank you unusually much on the side of the time. Successfully!

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