Chess portal

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moderator    (2007-09-06)


Chess portal


The Chess Portal is a comprehensive, sorted and commented link collection about everything in chess. Languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Swedish.

Le Portail des Échecs est une vaste liste de liens commentés et triés sur tout a qui concerne les échecs. Langues: allemand, anglais, espagnol, français et suédois.


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 The Chess *
schackportalen > English/eramportal.htm

 Chess online - The world's biggest server to play chess

All the big stars are on playchess, from Garry Kasparov to current...
Want to test your hardware or software out against other budding...

  * :Chess - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia > wiki

This page was last modified on 14 February 2010 at...


 LatestChess - The Complete *

Parsvnath International Chess tournament : Dave held second seed GM...
World Team Chess Championship : Russia wins Gold, USA Silver, India...

 Chess.GR - The 1st * in Greece
chess > portal/index.php?option=com content&task=view&id=98&Itemid=2

Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently...

 Chess on the web
chess on the web.moonfruit

Please check the website address (URL) and try...

 SCF * Chess Challenge
scforum > games

 Schach * e
chess international > ?page id=92&lang=en


 Catur * - The Indonesian Chess Community and Resources Websites

 Welcome to Bahrain Chess Club Official *

GM Elshan Moradiabadi (IRI, 2505) - GM Valentin Iotov (BLG, 2556)...
IM Roy Chowdhury S (IND, 2444) - GM Anton Filippov (UZB, 2556)...

 *** Chess.Nforum.Biz *** - *

 Entry * for chess competitions
gardinerchess > schools/entry%20portal/entryportal.htm

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name... - free chess video *

 3D Chess - - Entertainment *
funpike > latest cool news/cool stuff/21740 3d

I really like this amazing looking three dimensional chess...

 Checkmate - a game *

Passing in capital of Armenia the International tournament on a fast...
14 May in Prague the match on a fast chess between the ex-world...
The world champion on a chess Anatoly Karpovym in Havana had been...

 [chessmind] Dennis Monokroussos: Scholastic *
powerblogs > pipermail

[chessmind] Dennis Monokroussos: Impressive Energy, Less Impressive...
[chessmind] Dennis Monokroussos: Posting Comments on...

 Das Deutschland- * >
deutschland > link.php?lang=2&category1=4&category2=71&link id=373

 ZioBudda Italian Linux * - 3d chess - Consulenza - Documentazione - Notizie - Faq - Links - Italia
ziobudda > tags/3d

A7Xpg is distinguished by its level of graphics and its style which...
3 dimensional Chess game for X11R6 nei repository di Intrepid...
PyChess, il miglior gioco di scacchi per Linux scritto in...

 Opening Master World largest chess database

Opening Master - more than 6,1 millions of high quality...
Become a member today and enjoy the biggest chess database package on...
The French Defence : Steinitz Variation is a classical Variation of...

 Australian Chess Organisation: Website information: Australia's Culture * > wsd/1616.htm

 Computers play chess; humans play go - Semantic * Wiki
tw.rpi > portal/Computers play


Any knowledge about the birthplace of chess? Well this noble game...
All you avid chess lovers out there, there’s good news in store...

 Your Online Chess Directory and * site
aaaoe > product/sports recreation

 World Chess Links - Essential Links
worldchesslinks > eznb0

Online chess community where you can play chess, learn strategies and...
Jeu d'échecs, musique, cinéma, livres, films, vidéos et...
Russian Chess, the chess site devoted to the main chess events, chess...

 ChessCircle - the first web * 2.0
chesscircle > forums/general

home.interact > ~w100107/others.htm

 Шахматные новости - самые интересные новости в мире шахмат!

В октябре в Саратове состоится...
Трансляция партий Кубка Губернатора...

 Das Deutschland- * >
wwwdeutschland > link.php?lang=2&category1=4&category2=91&link id=55


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