, random video chat

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moderator    (2010-02-03)

moderator, random video chat is the big buzz of the moment, the idea is really simple but the success is amazing, once you connect you see someone on your screen and you're done. You can discuss with people from all over the world, but of course this is also a way for many to try to shock ! So a big warning before you start.

A best of chatroulette already appeared on Youtube but the video has obviously been deleted because of some shocking contents.

---------- est le site qui fait parler de lui en ce moment, basé sur un concept très simple, le succès est déjà énorme, une fois que vous êtes connecté, vous voilà en conversation vidéo avec quelqu'un tiré au hasard sur votre écran et le zapping commence, soit vous passez au suivant, soit vous parlez. Une chose est certaine, c'est la porte ouverte à tous les abus, on y voit des sexes d'hommes, des symboles nazis et autres amuses-gueules dans le genre.

Un joli panorama de ce à quoi ressemble la cyber humanité, à ne pas mettre entre tous les yeux donc.

Un best of chatroulette a même déjà été posté sur Youtube mais a du être supprimé dans la foulée, très probablement pour cause de contenus choquants (sans parler du droit à l'image).

(more options below)

*d1d398    (2010-02-16 19:12:22)
Le meilleur de chatroulette

Le best of de chatroulette est la: ht*p://

*527bad    (2010-02-17 14:57:49)
Il y a 15 ans

i found this website !
It's awesome !


*misskalse    (2010-02-24 03:47:18)
Il y a 15 ans

how does this workk !?

*702b9e    (2010-02-24 23:11:26)
Il y a 15 ans

haha sorta.... its a little bit weird.... but interesting all at the same time. :D

*njohnson    (2010-03-17 14:00:29)
Il y a 14 ans

The chatroulette competitior has arrived, ht*p://
Check it out!

*a4a90f    (2010-03-22 10:46:40), random video chat

Simply paste this code on your HTML page and enjoy chatroulette service on your site

*af3704    (2010-03-25 20:21:49)
Il y a 14 ans

a new one only for sexchat : ht*p://

*gregl    (2010-04-02 03:19:09)
Il y a 14 ans

this is my first time here

*saxese    (2010-04-04 16:21:30)
Il y a 14 ans

ht*p:// - many cool screens))))))

*lomigi    (2010-04-06 22:11:34)
Il y a 14 ans

Its great but stupid name, they should call it and then you can do anything.

*xufatu    (2010-04-09 17:28:23), random video chat

Try ht*p:// another popular but similar service

*catodi    (2010-04-10 21:50:42)
Il y a 14 ans


*fomagu    (2010-05-06 23:52:25)
Il y a 14 ans

SOo how you peeople doiin?

*kofigi    (2010-05-10 12:44:17)
Il y a 14 ans

Plenty of Chatroulette alternatives here.

*litula    (2010-05-10 14:17:54)
Il y a 14 ans

Looking for a random videochat where no-clothes is the rule. Does anyone know it?

*babupa    (2010-05-11 11:23:03), random video chat

hiyaaa am bored i am in school the noo yir gay btw |-)

*anna    (2010-05-16 22:45:21)
Il y a 14 ans

hiya wc show me a photo of u 111111111111111111111111

*_ste_    (2010-05-17 22:34:58)
Il y a 14 ans

anyone want c2c with my  i am a 18 yr old wanting a bit ov cam action

*lekile    (2010-05-18 18:05:46)
Il y a 14 ans

want to talk with girls

*dobazo    (2010-05-18 20:20:01)
Il y a 14 ans

Also see ht*p:// :
Screenshots and chat logs :)))

*fixole    (2010-05-21 15:40:13), random video chat

yo whats good baby? you feeling friendly?

*tanya_    (2010-05-25 06:25:18)
Il y a 14 ans

When used in the correct way video chat has great benefits. some of the messenger programs offer beneficial additional features in the video chat.

*xevute    (2010-05-28 13:26:34)
Il y a 14 ans


*pivavo    (2010-05-28 21:30:22)
Il y a 14 ans

how do you work  this??

*zevedu    (2010-05-28 22:30:37)
Il y a 14 ans

can u chat withought a camera because my camera is broke

*kegezi    (2010-05-29 06:36:42), random video chat

ht*p:// , the best site roullet of  the

*nofaca    (2010-05-31 21:55:16)
Il y a 14 ans

hey everyone, how r yall

*sukusi    (2010-05-31 21:57:33)
Il y a 14 ans

hey everyone wats up everyone

*zuvuse    (2010-06-06 00:10:21)
Il y a 14 ans

holla me llamo kerry harrison

*liragu    (2010-06-08 05:15:40)
Il y a 14 ans

sup im so dam bored annoyed and tired

*rezucu    (2010-06-08 23:51:45), random video chat

hey i want to see some tits

*sodenu    (2010-06-09 09:23:38)
Il y a 14 ans

any ladies wanna watch  and listen???

*cixiki    (2010-06-09 21:03:26)
Il y a 14 ans

hi anyone wana chat. . .

*lidaza    (2010-06-10 22:16:15)
Il y a 14 ans

can i get my digital camera or phone to work if so can you tell me how

*cicuco    (2010-06-11 12:19:38)
Il y a 14 ans


*bezena    (2010-06-12 01:45:39), random video chat

any hot young girls fancy a privet chat on msn ? add me jamesisajoke(at)

yatsubabes    (2010-06-17 03:53:40)


Il y a 14 ans

Omq Im New Help Me lol

*geveke    (2010-06-19 08:13:21)
Il y a 14 ans

jel ima neko sto me razume

*zomaza    (2010-06-21 01:45:54)
Il y a 14 ans

how do i enable my camera?

*me    (2010-06-26 23:57:09)
Il y a 14 ans

hello to to you all,

*sexy_man    (2010-08-14 10:48:42), random video chat

hey any nice ladies on

*kesugu    (2010-08-27 04:17:49)
Il y a 14 ans

hey whats up chatroulettee ?

*gejeri    (2010-09-12 17:37:16)
Il y a 14 ans

Its wicked people you got to try it for whatever reason

*vusabo    (2010-10-02 06:38:25)
Il y a 14 ans

Another free video chat alternative: chat for free - Stargazer Video Chat.  No registration or webcam needed, find a video chat room you like and chat as long as you want.  You can also create your own room or chat with someone in private.  There are always many video chat rooms filled with women and men.

pela1    (2011-01-17 17:17:51)


Il y a 14 ans

hy bin derpeter wer will camchatten

*jeguxu    (2011-02-15 11:34:03), random video chat

hey hieee come chat withmee

*monster    (2011-03-05 07:08:25)
Il y a 14 ans

i thought this was video chat

*puvija    (2011-04-29 16:24:56)
Il y a 13 ans

i've seen some messed up stuff on chat roulette

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