Cats language

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thibault    (2010-10-03)


Cats language

Cats speak a very strange language... at least this one.

Source : Youtube


Les chats ont leur propre langage à n'en pas douter et celui-ci est tout particulièrement loquace, produisant des sons que je n'avais tout simplement jamais entendu auparavant !  Les sous-titres sont sans doute discutables mais semblent assez juste par moments

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 Cats Body * - a Picture Tour
cats.about > od/behaviortraining/ss/bodylanguage.htm
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 How to Communicate with Your Cat - wikiHow
wikihow > Communicate with Your Cat

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 How to Pet a Cat – Way of Cats blog
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 Cat Postures: cat body *
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 Cats Have Their Own *
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 Online Cat Behavior |
cat health behavior > online cat behavior

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 Know Your Cat - Body * .
knowyourcat > info/bodylanguage.htm

 Cats Speak - Understanding the * of cats
hubpages > hub

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 Cat body * | Facebook
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