Best tweets, the best of twitter

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*besttweet    (2009-09-16)
Best tweets, the best of twitter


Does anyone know where I can find more funny tweets like at that offer the very best of twitter (in various categories) ?

I just would like to find a huge list of funny tweets classified. I love twitter !

Thank you very much for your help.

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*cexeco    (2015-04-09 02:48:38)
Best tweets, the best of twitter

Derica Rice, Lilly executive vice president, global services and chief financial officer, commented on the company's mid term financial guidance through 2014. "We remain on track to meet or exceed the mid term minimum financial performance outlined this past June. From now through 2014, on an annual basis we still expect revenue to be at least $20 billion, net income to be at least $3 billion, and operating cash flow to be at least $4 billion.".
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