Best security provider

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blackpanther    (2007-06-27)
Best security provider

Premier Security and Detective Bureau Private Limited (PSDB) was established in 1989. Since then we have been the biggest and leading security organization in Tamil Nadu. With branches all over Tamil Nadu and with a qualified and dedicated team of around 2500 personnel, inclusive of Ex-Indian Air force, Navy, Army and Ex-policemen, we are able to meet client expectations and satisfy them.

We offer you a comprehensive package for all your security needs. We cater to all kinds of industries where security is essential.

Black Panther squad
                      Premier Security has introduced a new highly trained security group called "The Black Panthers". The security personnel have to undergo an advanced training program on successful completion of which he is entitled to be a part of the Black Panther Squad.We provide security services round- the- clock. Our highly trained special guards are given advance training like Parades, P.T, Drill, Fire-Fighting, First Aid and Register Maintenance.

The services we provide include:
            Security personnel, Executive character verification, Intelligence services, Train security staff, provide escorts, Walkie-Talkie facilities, Armed Guards, Cash Escorts and Dog Patrolling


Award for the best security service for the year 1998
Peace Religions award for the year 1999
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Award
Bharath Millennium Award-2000 on 01-01-2000
"Bharat Jyoti Award", on 25-12-1999.
"Surya Award" 2000 for BEST SECURITY SERVICE on 25-02-2001

Corporate Office
No.77, I Main Road, CIT Nagar, (Opp. Hyundai Car Showroom), Chennai-600 035.
Phone: 2434 3985, 2435 3287 Fax: 2435 3287
Email: mktg(at)

(more options below)

*u.ramamoo    (2009-02-06 13:05:46)

Dear sir
Please visit our company for survay and to quote to provide security sevice.
Best Regards
Ke- Burgmann flexibles india pvt ltd
352 Madavaram high Road
Grand lion
Phone no 9380580515.

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