Best Chess Openings

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*chess    (2010-06-02)
Best Chess Openings

Learn the Best Chess Openings with Windows software (free and professional versions) that teaches and tests you on the openings, middlegames, tactics and endgames. Sorts, searches and animates millions of PGN chess games from Chessbase, Chess Assistant, MasterChess or the web.

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 Chess opening - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia > wiki/Chess opening
  1. This page was last modified on 6 August 2011 at
 What's the best chess opening?? -
chess > forum/view/chess openings/whats the

There is no best opening but my favorites is Ruy Lopez(with...
The best one is the one you have learned well enough to have...

 Bobby Fischer’s Secret |
bookup > bobby fischers chess opening secret

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...- Best is if you Understand the Spirit of the...
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 Chess Strategy for * and Chess Principles
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Chess strategy that is easy to understand from the Chess Experts -...
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 ChessOps - A Basic * Guide
eudesign > chessops

 What do you think are the * ? -
chess > forum/view/general/what do you think are the

 A Beginner's Garden of *
dwheeler > chess openings

Black can also try something other than mirroring White's...
This document briefly lists a few of the more well-known chess...

 1. a4: Best Chess Opening! -
chess > forum/view/chess openings/1 a4

  * | Chess Opening Software

Do you know chess players who are researching huge collections of...
Thanks to the work that you and Chuck put into that London II book, I...

 Openings Statistics
homepage.ntlworld > adam.bozon/stats.htm

If there are statistics for other openings or variations that I have...
all the most common variations give a similar success rate for white...
and that is black's equally most successful opening overall, however...

chessgod101.forumotion > t89 - Chess News - Gustafsson's Marshall Gambit: best chess opening DVD ever?
chessbase > newsdetail.asp?newsid=7040

Gustafsson's Marshall Gambit: best chess opening DVD...
German GM Jan Gustafsson has released a pair of DVDs with...
Start your personal success story with ChessBase and enjoy your...

 Best Chess Opening Training
chess sets and more > chess opening training

Order high quality chess sets from the chess set experts -...
The best chess opening training usually starts with a thorough...

 best chess opening against beginners? | Chess Learning
chess learning > chess opening

why my computer cant play yahoo games?what should i...

 Free Chess Online | World Chess | Chess Championship | Chess Playing websites | Chess Game | FIDE Rules Worldwide | Grandmaster Greats | Chess Opening...

This website has been designed for enabling various aspirants to...

 The Chess Mind - The Chess Mind Blog - Gustafsson on the Marshall Gambit: Best Chess Opening DVD Ever?
thechessmind > blog/2011/2/23/gustafsson on the marshall gambit

I want to leave a comment directly on this site...
Gustafsson on the Marshall Gambit: Best Chess Opening...
A diverse collection of monthly columns, including Mark...

 What is the best chess opening for white and for black? - Yahoo! Answers > question/index?qid=20071111222217AArKi1S

What is the best way to memorize and use various chess...
What is the best chess opening and why? How does it...

 Chess Tricks - Dastardly Tricks and Traps
angelfire > nf/chess/tricks

This is extremely risky but is sometimes worth a go against...
This is when you are in the middle of an attack against your...
These chess tricks make use of tactical motifs which occur in many...

 Board Games Questions including "How do you find a board game from the seventies when you can't remember the name of it"
wiki.answers > Q/FAQ/2559&sa=X&ei=qRNVTqr3GJHpOd2k9KEG&v

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In the King's Pawn Opening, white plays aggressively - opening...
This opening is also quite versatile, particularly allowing white...
Typically, there are four widely accepted (and most common) opening...

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mychessblog > 50 strategies to gain the upper hand over your opponent

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