Apple Iphone 16GB 3G (Unlocked)

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saleswarehouse    (2009-06-11)
Apple Iphone 16GB 3G (Unlocked)

We have all the items available for sale now, if you are interested in purchasing any one of them,kindly send us an email with your enquiries to the company email address


E-MAIL ADDRESS: Saleswarehouse009(at)


All the items are brand new with one year warranty and 6 months return policy.

Iphone product:

Apple Iphone 16GB 3G (Unlocked).........$300usd
Apple Iphone 8GB 3G (Unlocked)..........$250usd

(more options below)

*cabb24    (2009-09-30 15:45:41)
Don't buy

It is not advised to buy phones this way because of scammers, a lot of money has been stolen already, be careful & search the internet that is full of stories like this.

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