Adsense pays nothing !

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yakusa    (2006-12-17)


Adsense pays nothing !


Are there better programs ?
Adsense really pays nothing and I can't understand how it works ! Thanx.

(more options below)

silver_surfer    (2006-12-28 16:22:38)
Short answer

No :)

Just try to improve your website and find answers on the internet...


bobdenver    (2008-01-09 17:02:23)
Get Paid Everytime Your Website is Seen

Yes there is a better program. You can actually get paid for every single visitor to your website which means 100% conversion on all your website traffic. No clicking necessary. Get more info. on how this works at ht*p://

goergebaker    (2011-01-12 06:39:38)
14 years ago

who said adsense pays nothing...........i have draw almost 6 payments through hard on your site and get results....all you need is traffic.


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davidluiz    (2011-05-19 07:32:25)
13 years ago

who said adsense pays nothing....

i am using google adsense from last 1 years and i am satisfied with earning... all you need is traffic to increase earning....


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sunilsamuel    (2011-11-09 10:05:18)
13 years ago

i don't think so that is there any better programme than adsense....adsense pays much if you work is real.


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joejonas    (2011-12-03 22:08:02)
Adsense pays nothing !

you can use chatika, infolinks or kontera


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