1st WCH candidates final started


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Thibault de Vassal    (2008-01-29)
1st WCH candidates final started !

Finally, the 1st WCH round-robin final tournament finished with the 3 most dangerous fighters at tie, Xavier Pichelin, Gaetano Laghetti and Alberto Gueci (4/6). Congratulations to them !

According to FICGS chess WCH rules, the player with the highest TER qualifies for the first candidates final against the winner of the knockout cycle.

The first FICGS WCH candidates final just started !

Gino Figlio (2568) - Xavier Pichelin (2355)


Good luck to both players and be careful, we're watching your games ! :)

Hannes Rada    (2008-01-29 18:30:38)
It's not there

Why dont' we find it under Candidates final ? http://www.ficgs.com/category__ficgs__chess__candidates.html "There's no tournament to display" ?

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-01-29 18:33:19)

Yes, it was a mistake.. I'll correct it as soon as possible.