1st Place in 40 major search engines

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davidrivera    (2008-07-07)
1st Place in 40 major search engines

I was surfing the net doing my daily SEO research when I came upon this website that guaranteed 1st placement on 40 major search engines, including Google. Not only that, they said it is FREE! I immediately said SCAM! They said that they don't use any blackhat techniques and you will never get banned. Does anyone know if there is some truth to this statement

David Rivera

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*seo    (2008-07-07 17:36:58)
Seo service

You mean which site ? 

nettpro    (2010-01-18 14:25:35)
15 years ago

Please tell me How can we SEO and web optimization in Bing Search Engine . what is problem in Bing indexing and cached . How can we get more back word links in Bing Search Engine. Please suggestion me.
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